
Simulator and universal B2B2C Front Office online platform for the offering of mutual funds


Sign online the contractual documentation and quickly open in your Bank a sub-account and transmit orders from your e-Banking.

Be able to examine the investment process and easily understand what is involved with complete transparency.

Be able to obtain genuine online investment advice through a selection of mutual funds and be in a position to take fully informed decisions.

Be able to receive tailored made assistance and information in the monitoring of the investments and in making periodic comparisons.

Be able to modify, if necessary, your portfolio composition with almost childlike simplicity.

Thankful to a modern automated process, to a reliable and a secure foolproof access, the Bank will offer to his client an investment advisory service and the execution of his orders at a very good fee.

description of the project


FundFactory© by Action Finance wants to propose to banks in Switzerland a White label online “plug and play” automated platform which will be directly connected to the Bank’s system over a simple Application Programming Interface (API).

FundFactory© by Action Finance will enable a bank to offer a new online service available 24/24 7/7 over the banks own e-Banking which will empower its clients to access an automated platform which will provide either investment advice or a portfolio discretionary mandate. These services will be provided by a user-friendly automated straight-through processing, not by a “Robo-Advisor”.

Over his e-Banking, the client will receive a custom made service directly on his screen/tablet which will guide him step-by-step, thus simplifying life. Depending upon his risk profile and his investment objectives, he will receive genuine advice through the transmission of tailored buy and sell recommendations as well as through alerts which are periodically monitored by his Client Relationship Manager or by a different department of the Bank.

These recommendations as well as the construction of each portfolio and the selection of the investment universe remain under the supervision of the Investment Committee of the Bank. In order to optimize the after tax performance of the client’s portfolio, the fiscal characteristic to which the fund is accountable for (UCITS, FCP, EU Saving Tax, Out of Scope, etc.) is also a decisive factor in the construction of the investment universe.

Advantages: security, rapidity, transparency of information, diversification of risks, regular monitoring of the portfolio, comparisons to the market and other funds, no conflicts of interest.

Thanks to the intuitive web interface and a simple learning procedure as to the investment process, any client can acquire the knowledge which will permit them to feel at ease in the complex universe of mutual funds.